Teacher Award Nomination
Calling for Teacher Award Nominations! Do take time to appreciate our teachers and consider nominating them for these awards. Please click on the links below for more information on the awards:
1) [Inspiring English Language Teacher Award] (EL)
We are looking for teachers who:
• exemplify the use of good spoken and written English;
• enact learner-centred approaches during English lessons to develop English Language/Literature in English/General Paper Learner Outcomes aligned with the syllabuses;
• select pedagogical approaches and strategies, as well as use materials and EdTech, which are underpinned by knowledge bases appropriate to learners’ readiness, interests and learning profiles; and
• develop their teaching competencies to enact classroom practices in alignment with the syllabuses and curriculum, as well as classroom-based innovations.
Please click here to download nomination forms for the Teaching Award. Hard copy forms should be submitted to the General Office by 5pm on 24 March 2025.
2) Most Inspiring Tamil Teacher Award (TL)
Please nominate deserving teachers who fulfil the following criteria:
• Teachers who nurture students’ interest in TL by using innovative methods to make lessons more interesting and engaging; and
• Dedicated and passionate teachers who demonstrate a keen interest in students’ well-being and inspire students to be self-directed and engaged learners.
Please make your online nomination at https://go.gov.sg/mitt2024nominationform or https://go.gov.sg/mitt2024nominationformel by 4 April 2025.
For more information, please email MOE_TLLPC_Secretariat@moe.gov.sg.
3) Arif Budiman Malay Language Teacher Award (ML)
Do nominate Malay Language teachers who:
• Nurture students’ interest in the Malay language, literature and culture through innovative pedagogies, including the effective use of educational technology to make learning engaging and interactive while developing students’ 21st Century Competencies to be future-ready;
• Demonstrate care and concern for their students and have a keen interest in their well-being; and
• Display the values of Arif Budiman, a learned person who contributes to society through excellent and exemplary service as an educator.
Nominations can be made online via https://go.gov.sg/agab2025 by 4 April 2025.
For more information, please contact the AGAB 2025 Organising Committee at MOE_TLLPC_Secretariat@moe.gov.sg.
4) Distinguished Chinese Language Teachers Award
Do nominate our deserving Chinese Language teachers today!
• All Chinese language teachers in MOE primary, secondary, pre-universities, junior colleges and IP schools are eligible (except for past winners of this award)
• Nominated teachers should have at least five years of experience teaching in these MOE schools.
Previously nominated teachers can be nominated again after at least a lapse of one year. For example, teachers nominated in 2023 or earlier could be re-nominated in 2025.
• Classroom observations and interview with judges for shortlisted nominees will be conducted in July/August 2025. Endorsement from respective schools‘ principals is mandatory.
• Winners will be announced in September 2025 (subject to change).
• Organisers and judges reserve the right to decide on the number of winners awarded.
Nominations can be made online via https://zb.sg/dclta2025 by 11 May 2025.
For more information, please email zbschools@sph.com.sg.